Impact Statement for Church Hill Infant School’s Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure
Overview of the Pupil Premium Grant
Conditions of the Grant
The Department for Education (DfE) publishes the Pupil Premium Grant and Conditions of the Grant annually. The Pupil Premium Grant allocated to Local Authorities and Schools with pupils on roll in January that are known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years. Each of these pupils will attract £1325 additional funding for the school.
Schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is additional to the underlying school’s budget, in a way they think will best improve outcomes for pupils. Section 8 sets out the terms on which pupil premium grant (PPG) is allocated to school. The terms are very broad and merely state:
The grant may be spent by maintained schools for the purposes of the school; that is to say for the educational benefit of pupils registered at that school.
The DfE has since clarified that the PPG is not ring-fenced and that schools are free to spend it as they wish, providing the school can demonstrate that the performance of those pupils for whom the grant was allocated was improving.
Church Hill Infant School is aware that although we aim to close the performance gap between children who are disadvantaged and those who are not, it is also equally important to provide opportunities which enhance and enrich the early learning experiences for these pupils.
Please review the current year’s strategy report below.