Being the best we can be!
At Church Hill Infant School we have highest expectations of ourselves, our school and of others. At our school, we take pride in celebrating that we are all learners; and that every child has the potential to achieve. Our aim is to make all teaching and learning enjoyable; ensuring our children have the best possible start to their school life.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin Franklin
We aim to:
- Offer a rich, child centred 21st century curriculum which provides meaningful, relevant and authentic learning experiences which enable each child to be the best they can be.
- Work in harmony with parents and the community to establish positive and successful partnerships to maximise the learning potential of our pupils.
- Inspire children to acquire independence and to feel genuinely confident; equipping them with the skills to take responsibility for their own lives.
- Nurture our pupils to become co-constructors of their learning; enthusing a natural curiosity and passion for learning
- Celebrate and share achievement and success and ensure every child does matter irrespective of ability and background.
- Provide a safe environment for children to take risks and learn from their mistakes, developing positive attitudes to learning.
- Have the highest expectations of all our children, of ourselves and of others.
- Provide a happy, friendly and caring team of staff who are passionate and accountable for achieving the best possible outcomes for our pupils; academically, socially and morally.
- Embrace school improvement and innovative teaching and learning strategies which challenge, motivate and inspire all
- Value and champion the uniqueness of individuals
“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”
Richard Branson
Our children will…
Be determined Be motivated Be resilient
Be enthusiastic Be caring
Be thinkers Be empowered Be respectful Be independent
Be unique and different Be proud of who they are Be learners!
Our Values
Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is passing the time. Action with vision is making a positive difference.
–Author unknown Together we can make a difference!