Arbor Payments

At Church Hill Infant School we use ‘Arbor’, which is an online payment system that allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, trips, clubs and activities etc.  Plus you can give online consent, where required, for your child to take part in school trips and other activities.

You will be able to access this feature by simply logging into your Arbor Parent Portal.

You simply pay for items using your Arbor account online by debit or credit card.

Payments are received safely by the school, meaning you do not have to send your child to school with cash again, money doesn’t get lost and is spent on its intended purpose.

Please see the links below to help you to make payments for any clubs or trips taking place throughout the school year.

Not used Arbor before?

Activating your Arbor account is quick and easy to do. All you need is your email address that we hold on record for you. We will send you an email with a link to activate your account, it is recommended that you use a desk/laptop computer to do this. Please note the link will only last for 96 hours.

If you are having difficulties accessing payments on your Arbor app please speak to Mrs Weston or Mrs Diez in the School Office.

We hope that you will find Arbor to be a fast and easy way to pay for school items.

We’re aiming to get 100% of parents using Arbor please help us achieve this