At Church Hill Infant School we ensure that all children are valued equally, regardless of their abilities and/or social, emotional or behavioural needs. We understand that many pupils will have special educational needs at some time during their school life and that the best way of helping them is for everyone involved to work together. We are committed to valuing and nurturing each child as an individual who will achieve their best and develop an enthusiasm for lifelong learning.
We believe that all children should have the opportunity to develop their full potential. The school understands that individuals are unique in their interest, abilities, motivation and learning needs, and these are met through a varied and flexible provision throughout the curriculum. The provision of a broadly based curriculum recognises their social and emotional development. Teachers provide learning opportunities for all the pupils within the school environment and provide materials appropriate to pupils’ interests and abilities. Children have child friendly Individual Education Plans which help them to feel a sense of ownership over their learning.
We believe in developing a strong partnership with parents to meet the needs of their children and regularly inform them of their child’s progress, next steps and how they can help at home. Any child who requires special help will be referred, after prior consultation with the Parents/Carers, to one of the support services e.g. Speech Therapy, Educational Psychology, Behavioural Support, School Nurse, Occupational Therapy and Vision Support.
Our aims
- We aim to enable and encourage all children to develop their full potential
- We aim to identify students with special educational needs as early as possible
- We aim to provide a broad, balanced curriculum relevant to the needs of all our pupils
- We aim to encourage pupils to develop confidence and self-esteem and to recognise the value of their own contributions to their learning
- We aim to identify and assess the children with special needs and to make sure that the arrangements made for these children are in line with the requirements of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act
- We aim to foster links between support services, home and school
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The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Lissaman