Foundation Stage

Welcome to our Foundation Stage page!

In Foundation Stage we aim to create a positive nurturing environment where our children can thrive and lay the foundations for a secure future. We plan and provide stimulating and exciting learning opportunities which in turn help our children to become enthusiastic learners who are keen to explore and develop. We believe that children should have the opportunity to learn through play and that it should be fun, engaging but also challenging. Outdoor learning is an important part of our provision as it allows the children to develop their thinking and problem solving skills alongside helping them to develop physically. The adults in our learning environment are skilled practitioners who provide high quality interactions and are role models for learning. Being the best we can be is at the heart of our ethos and we are committed to providing our children with the best possible to start to school life.


There are two classes in Foundation Stage.

Class P/C – Mrs Creighton and Mrs Purnell

Class OM – Mr Mayhew

We also have Mr Vazifdar and Mrs Pawley working across the base.

What will your child need at school?

Each day your child will need to bring with them their book bag, water bottle and coat. Please make sure they all are clearly labelled with their full name.

On PE days they will need to come dressed in their PE kit, please make sure they aren’t wearing any jewellery and if they have long hair please tie it back. Our PE day will be Thursday.

Children will also need to make sure they have a pair of wellies in school all the time. We will spend a lot of time outside and will aim to go out in all weathers so it is really important they have suitable footwear.

What will children eat in school?

First we will have snack time in school during the morning, we will have milk (free for all children under 5) and fruit (supplied to all infant children). Children can independently access their milk and fruit from our snack bar at any time during the morning. At lunchtime we will go into the dining hall and have a delicious dinner prepared by our kitchen staff; Mrs Viles and Mrs Hunt. You can find a copy of the menu for each day in the Parent section of the website.

What do our children learn in school?

At school we will learn through the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) which includes both prime and specific areas of learning. We will focus on leaning through play and each term we will have a different theme. We will put our medium term plans on the website for Mums, Dads and Carers to look through.

We also have a Reading Spine which is collection of high quality books which aim to represent the cultural diversity and experiences of all of our school community.

Foundation Stage Reading Spine

  • We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – Michael Rosen
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Eric Carle
  • The Three Little Pigs – Mara Alperin version
  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff – Mara Alperin version
  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears – Mara Alperin version
  • The Gruffalo – Julia Donaldson
  • Rainbow Fish – Marcus Pfister
  • Whatever Next! – Jill Murphy
  • Each Peach Pear Plum – Janet & Allan Ahlberg
  • Owl Babies – Martin Waddell
  • Oi Frog – Kes Gray & Jim Field
  • Handa’s Surprise – Eileen Brown
  • Luna Loves Art – Joseph Coelho
  • Little People Big Dreams – Neil Armstrong
  • My Magic Family – Lotte Jeffs & Sharon Davey
  • The Princess and the Pea – Rachel Isadora
  • The Odd Fish – Naomi Jones & James Jones
  • Everybody’s Welcome – Patricia Hegarty
  • Elmer – David McKee

What can I do at home?

Our focus for home learning is reading, reading and more reading!

Please share books at home at least 3 times per week and record it in your child’s Reading Record. This can be any book, and reading doesn’t need to be limited to the book that you child brings home from school.

We will also focus lots on phonics during Foundation Stage and we will send home the sounds we have been learning each week along with some words to have a go at reading.

How can parents and carers help at home?

· Help to practise holding a pencil correctly.

· Help to learn to use a knife and fork to cut and eat their own food independently.

· Help to practise writing their name using correct letter formation.

· Help to practise writing, ordering, recognising and counting out numbers 1-20.

EYFS Policy

Our Foundation Stage Lead is Mrs Creighton